More importantly, these 4 moderators act as gatekeeper to who can join the mailing list. Massa's article talked about 'worthiness' in OC and in this instance, only those who were from the same cohort are 'worthy' to be part of this OC. This also falls in line with Gleave et al article about preventing vandalism from unidentified users and at the same time, ensure some privacy and freedom to express opinions amongst friends.

When it comes to social capital and trust, the main test is when someone request to join the OC. One can subscribe by sending an email to the moderators. An automated message will be sent back to verify their 'worthiness' through a set of questions that only people from the same class would know. The set includes questions such as naming three senior teachers we had, the regent and vice regent(s) of the class. They are also to provide some personal detail to verify their identity based on our knowledge of friends and class members (sometimes, it helps to check with our yearbook as we can't necessarily remember all 240+ friends from school). When one has been approved to be a member, a notice is sent out to the regent and vice regents about a new member where we would normally announce their arrival to the community. Another notice is sent out to the new member regarding rules and regulations of the OC (refer to screenshot below - the rule and welcome txt files are sent out when a new member is approved. The subscribe txt file is sent out to verify their 'worthiness' before hand).

Unlike the majority of OCs, personal identity has to be revealed when joining this OC. Members can create an avatar and nickname but their message needs to bear a signature that is recognizable by fellow members. In this regard, online persona is crucial to establish social capital (Williams 2006) and other's perception of the member. This way, others can respond accordingly to the poster i.e. with friendly jabs as we know each other well.
To increase and keep up with social capital and trust (Allen, Colombo, and Whitaker 2009), also to keep each other up to date about themselves, the group has spawned online spin offs/other OCs/SNS via friendster group (in earlier years), facebook group, twitter lists, linkedin group, and blackberry message groups. Note in the screenshot below the fluctuation of message posting in the OC. The recent spike of postings is because of the advent of blackberry and other smartphones where it becomes easier and more convenient to check and reply to a thread. Concurrently, interactions are happening in blackberry group message and since the group is capped at 30 participants each, members still rely on the OC for their information and updates.

The second OC I am using for this posting is the Taylor's College Alumni Association page (800+ members) and group (290+ people like it) on Facebook. I attended this institution in my early college years. The two OCs compared here are of similar theme, alumni communities. As opposed to the first OC, it has a really low entry barrier i.e. requires a facebook account (everybody has one nowadays), press 'like' button for page or request to join for the group. There are 6 moderators for the group page. There is not as much as interaction between members here, mostly announcements of events, pictures, or job opportunities posted by the moderators. The discussion forum are very much under utilized. Occasionally, I would receive a message from the group/page regarding an upcoming event.

The difference in interaction intensity perhaps comes from the fact that the second OC is administered by the institution/alma mater whereas the first OC is fully run by alumni for alumni. The first OC is very well defined; only for a specific year's class members, meanwhile the second OC is open to any Taylor's college alumni that encompasses more than 10 different programs located in 3 campuses. Thus, what is valued (worthiness and interestingness) differs, discouraging members to freely post questions or start a thread in the second case.

Suggestions for the OCs
The first OC is build based on a mailing list structure. It is a rather web 1.0 concept. Yahoo! has worked to improve the features here and there but perhaps a more comprehensive upgrade is needed if they are to keep up with the current onslaught of SNS that integrated many of web 2.0 elements. However, they also need to be careful not to make too drastic of a change as this might potentially turn off current users from fully embracing the idea of change. User friendliness and intuitiveness is key here.
The second OC can use more fine tuning when it comes to segmenting its members. It is nice to have the main alumni group but to foster better communication, it could segment their members based on the programs they used to be in, i.e. I was part of the American Degree Program, meanwhile others might be part of the Business School or Law School. Perhaps the OC is low on the priority list because compared to the Taylor's College page on Facebook, it is really low on the reach level (290+ like versus 18k+ like) and interactions (current postings on the wall and discussion topics).
Tentative final project idea
I am interested in looking at how social computing can be useful in reference management, i.e. using software such as WizFolio and Mendeley. If you are not familiar with them, they are similar to Zotero and EndNote. They offer freemium service where the basic features are free with paying options for more advanced capabilities. I am looking forward to work with a fellow blogger in the class for this project.
Some research questions I would like to help address: 1. how WizFolio shared collections and Mendeley groups can contribute to the scholarly activities through collaboration? 2. What are their social capital/trust mechanism? How does this impact question 1? It would be great if you can give me comments, feedbacks, or suggestions regarding this final project topic and perhaps methodology to collect the data for it.
Allen, Stuart M., Gualtiero Colombo, Roger M. Whitaker (2009). Forming Social Networks of Trust to Incentivize Cooperation. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, 5-8 January 2009.
Eryilmaz, Evren, Mitch Cochran and Sumonta Kasemvilas (2009). Establishing Trust Management in an Open Source Collaborative Information Repository: An Emergency Response Information System Case Study. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, 5-8 January 2009.
Gleave, Eric, Howard T. Welser, Thomas M. Lento and Marc A. Smith (2009). A Conceptual and Operational Definition of ÔSocial RoleÕ in Online Community. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, 5-8 January 2009.
Massa, Paolo (2006). A Survey of Trust Use and Modeling in Current Real Systems. Trust in E-services: Technologies, Practices and Challenges. Idea Group.
Williams, D. (2006). On and Off the 'Net: Scales for Social Capital in an Online Era. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(2), article 11.